Last updated: March 6th, 2024 @ 1:15 PM

What does my registration fee pay for?

Claremore Soccer club is a nonprofit soccer organization. Ran by a volunteer board of directors. Claremore Soccer club is self-funded through player registrations. The City of Claremore provides funding for electricity, water, and trash service. The city also provides some funding for capital improvements such as the new lights, building maintenance, and new bleacher boards.

Claremore Soccer Club has one of the lowest registration fees in the area of other organized clubs. CLSC also do not require fundraising by the parents to support the club as other clubs in the area do. Because of this CLSC runs on a very tight budget without a large cash flow. Registration fees go to pay for multiple operating cost.

·         Internet service
·         Phone service
·         Field maintenance
               Paint supplies
· Bathroom supplies and cleaning
·         CLSC liability insurance
·         Got Soccer usage fees
·         Player injury insurance
·         OSA player registration
·         Credit card processing fees
·         Team registration fee
·         Registrar pay
·         Referee fees


The CLSC board really wants to create the best soccer experience for every player while keeping the cost low to each family. We hope this helps explain the reason for the decision and a better insight into what your registration fee goes towards.