Last updated: February 24th, 2024 @ 9:15 AM

Zero Tolerance Policy


To help foster sportsmanship and proper conduct Claremore Soccer Club (CSC) has adopted the following Zero Tolerance Policy:

This policy applies to all coaches, players, parents, spectators and other supporters and referees effective immediately.

Abusive and obscene language, violent play/conduct, fighting and other behavior (including, but not limited to sarcasm, taunting, etc.) deemed detrimental to the game between the above mentioned groups will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of the coaches to provide referee support and spectator control, and it is the responsibility of all spectators and parents to act appropriately and be positive role models to players. This policy applies before, during and after the game at the soccer field and its immediate surrounding areas.

Parents & Spectators

No parent or spectator shall persistently address the referee or assistant referees at any time. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Parents and spectators shall not dispute calls during or after the game.
  • Parents and spectators shall not make remarks to the referee(s) or advise the referee(s) to watch certain players or attend to rough play.
  • Parents and spectators shall never yell at the referee(s), including criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation or feedback of any kind before, during or after the game.

The only allowable exceptions to the above are:

  • Parents and spectators may respond to a referee who has initiated a conversation, until such time as the referee terminates the conversation.
  • Parents and spectators may point out an emergency or safety issues, such as a player apparently injured on the field or observed fighting.

Additionally, parents and spectators shall not make derogatory comments to players of either team.

Penalties (Parents & Spectators)

In the opinion of the referee, depending on the severity of the offense, the referee may take any of the following actions:

  • The referee may issue a verbal warning to the coach of the offending party’s team.
  • The referee may stop the game and instruct the coaches to direct the parent/spectator to leave the field.
  • The referee may abandon the game if the parent/spectator does not leave the field.
  • CSC Board members will strictly enforce this policy as well and will give the offending parent a verbal warning to cease the offending conduct and/or then immediately eject the offending parent, or spectator. CSC Board members will immediately eject the offending parent/spectator if warranted. Failure of a parent or spectator to leave immediately upon being asked to do so will result in the Claremore Police being contacted for assistance and appropriate action.


The conduct of the players is governed by the Laws of the Game as stated by FIFA and USSF.

The Laws themselves describe penalties associated with violating the Laws of the Game.

Additional penalties for players who engage in misconduct may be established by the club and/or league but may in no case be less severe than penalties established by FIFA, USSF, or CSC.

Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Bench Personnel

It is the responsibility of all coaches to maintain the highest standards of conduct for themselves, their players and supporters in all matches. Failure to do so undermines the referee’s authority and the integrity of the game resulting in a hostile environment for players, the referee(s), coaches, assistant coaches, bench personnel and spectators. As role models for all of the participants and spectators, coaches participating in CSC sanctioned event are expected to be supportive of, and to acknowledge the effort, good play and sportsmanship on the part of ALL players from either team in a contest. By example, coaches, assistant coaches and bench personnel are expected to show that although they are competing in a game, they have respect for their opponent, referees and spectators at all times. CSC will not tolerate negative behavior exhibited either by demonstrative actions and gestures, or by ill-intentioned remarks, including those addressed toward the referees or members of an opposing team.

Coaches exhibiting hostile, negative, sarcastic or otherwise ill-intended behavior toward referees, opposing players or coaches will be subject to sanction by the match official.

Additional sanctions may be imposed by the club that the coach or assistant coach represents, the league that the match is being played under, or as allowed by CSC policies.

  • Coaches shall not interact directly or indirectly with the coaches or players of the opposing team during the game in any manner that may be construed as negative, hostile or sarcastic either by way of demonstrative actions and gestures or by ill-intentioned remarks.
  • Coaches shall only offer polite and appropriate comments to any call made by the referee(s) at any time.
  • Coaches shall not address the Referee(s) during the game except to:
    • Respond to a referee who has initiated a conversation.
    • Point out emergency or safety issues.
    • Make substitutions.
    • Ask the referee, “What is the proper restart (i.e. direction and Indirect Free Kick or Direct Free Kick)?
    • Ask for the time remaining in the half.
    • Coaches are allowed to ask a referee after in a polite and constructive way, to explain a law or foul, but not judgment calls made in the game, even if doing so will not disrupt the game. The exchange shall be Polite and civil with the referee. If the polite tone of the conversation changes, the referee may abandon the
      exchange at any time. Absolutely no sarcasm, harassment or intimidation is allowed.

NOTE: Coaches or other team members can not engage in any critical or hostile conversation with the match official once the match has concluded or at half-time.

Penalties (Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Bench Personnel)

In the opinion of the referee, depending on the severity of the offense, the referee may take any of the following actions:

  • The referee may issue a verbal warning to the offending coach, assistant coach or bench personnel.
  • The referee may eject the offending coach, assistant coach or bench personnel. Once ejected, the individual will be required to leave the field immediately.
  • The referee should abandon the game, if the coach, assistant coach or bench personnel do not leave the field or any immediate adjoining area after having been instructed to do so.

Additional penalties associated with the ejection of a coach, assistant coach or bench personnel may be assessed by the local club or league which sanctioned the match in accordance with their documented policy. These penalties may be no less stringent than sanctions as may be imposed by CSC following their review, if conducted, of the incident.